EDSGN 100 at Penn State
Section 20, Spring, 2021
Welcome to the Penn State EDSGN 100 Tradeshow!
We're glad you're here! You have $3000 in Tradeshow Bucks to spend! This is not real money of course, but imagine it's yours! Please read on & then shop our store to participate!
We've been busy this semester building new products for you! Now it's your turn to shop our seven product categories and pick your favorite product from each category by adding it to your cart. You're spending "Tradeshow Bucks", NOT your own money, but please treat the Tradeshow Bucks like your own hard earned cash as you make your selections! If it helps, imagine you have a budget of $3000 Tradeshow Bucks to spend.
- No personal info required or collected!!
- Once you've made your selections, please click on the Cart icon 🛒and check out. If you don't complete the checkout process, the students do not get any feedback from your purchases.
- Please do NOT provide your real street address during checkout, a made-up one will do!
- Similarly, use edsgn100store@gmail.com as email during checkout. We DO NOT want your personal info, just your "purchase decisions" as feedback for our students!
- Of course, you may use your own email address at your discretion if you'd like to see how the full "ordering" process works 😉.
Shop our trade show.
Click on each of the product categories below 👇, select your favorite products (one favorite per category), add it to your cart, and check out. Your choices will provide feedback to our student design teams on how well their designs compare to existing products on the market. No products will actually be sold or shipped, of course 😉.
AllSleep HelpDog LeashNo-fog MaskBiometric Locks for CampusTruck Bed FencingSeizure SensorElevating Wheel ChairsSign up with your email, below, if you'd like to get information about the results of the Tradeshow.
Totally Optional, NOT Required!
EDSGN100 Area 21! edsgn100store@gmail.com